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Blue Raspberry Bonbons

Blue Raspberry Bonbons – I have to confess, my mouth is watering as I write this because I really enjoyed tasting these slightly sour raspberry bonbons to write this description. They seem to have got a really good balance here… they aren`t one of those super sour sweets that makes you regret that you ever put it in your mouth, far from it. They just have a nice hint of sourness to them, a bit like real fruit often does. It means that you get a good raspberry taste instead of being swamped by sweetness. And they do make your mouth water when you eat them (and, in my case, when I think about eating them!) just like Opal Fruits (Starburst pah!) used to. Why they make them blue though I haven`t a clue. But I like `em (and you will too!) – Qty In Order: 250g (8.8oz)